It is estimated that a staggering 80,000 metric tons of carcinogens are released into the air annually in North America. On average, most water supplies contain around 2,100 chemicals. Furthermore, approximately 80% of the food we consume contains genetically modified ingredients. The concerning fact is that the majority of the chemical-laden products in use today were developed after 1960. Shockingly, the rates of cancer have mirrored the circulation of synthetic chemicals since the Vietnam era. We have witnessed a 62% increase in leukemias, a doubling of male birth defects, over 40% increase in childhood brain cancer rates, and a tenfold rise in autism. These alarming statistics cannot be solely attributed to genetics.

Chemical Safety Concerns

One might assume that a country as great as ours would have effective measures in place to protect its citizens from dangerous chemical pollutants. However, history tells us otherwise. In the past, the US deemed lead levels below 40 micrograms per deciliter to be safe. Today, we know that any detectable level of lead can cause neurological damage. The current process followed by the EPA is to test for the ill effects of a chemical compound only after evidence of potential harm exists. Shockingly, an estimated 90% of the 1,700 new compounds reviewed annually by the EPA are approved without any restrictions.

The "Innocent Until Proven Guilty" Paradigm

In the US, our reality is that chemicals are considered "innocent until proven guilty," meaning they must be shown to be harmful. This differs greatly from other countries, such as those in Europe, where chemicals are considered "guilty until proven innocent."

Lifelong Toxin Accumulation

The accumulation of toxins over time degrades our overall health and quality of life. Surprisingly, we start accumulating these toxins even before birth. In 2005, the groundbreaking 'Body Burden Study' analyzed umbilical cord blood from 10 healthy newborn babies and made a shocking discovery. The study revealed that industrial chemicals, pollutants, and pesticides readily cross the placenta, much like the residues from cigarettes and alcohol. The cord blood of these healthy babies contained an average of 200 chemicals out of the 287 industrial chemicals and pollutants analyzed.

The Role of Detoxification

Detoxification involves multiple organ systems and processes within the human body. The liver plays a pivotal role in this process by filtering the blood and protecting the body from metabolic and environmental poisons. The liver's Kupffer Cells remove dead cells, bacteria, and foreign substances, while hepatocytes detoxify drugs, heavy metals, chemicals, alcohol, and hormones.

Understanding Detox Substances

Toxins, toxicants, and xenobiotics are the substances being detoxified. Toxins are poisons produced by living organisms that cause structural damage or functional disturbances. Toxicants are toxic chemicals, typically introduced into the environment by humans, such as pesticides and pollutants. Xenobiotics refer to foreign substances found in the body that are not derived from a normal diet or produced endogenously.

The Two-Phase Detox Process

Detoxification occurs in two phases. Phase 1 involves the oxidation and reduction of lipophilic (fat-loving) toxins, converting them into more water-soluble intermediates for excretion. However, this phase can produce highly reactive intermediates, known as free radicals, which can be more damaging than the original compound. This is where Phase 2 detoxification comes into play.

Phase 2: Conjugation and Elimination

Phase 2 entails conjugation, the process of binding a substance to make it water-soluble for elimination through the feces (bile) or urine. It is crucial to keep both phase 1 and phase 2 detoxification pathways open and balanced. Patients may experience symptoms related to a pathological detox if these pathways are not properly supported.

Supporting Detox Phases

Supporting Phase 1 detoxification involves antioxidants to manage reactive intermediates, vitamins/minerals as necessary cofactors, and glutathione precursors such as essential amino acids and N-Acetyl Cysteine. Phase 2 detoxification is inhibited by the depletion of necessary cofactors required for amino acid conjugation.

The Detox Protocol

The Detox Protocol is a three-to-six-month regimen that emphasizes the elimination of FODMAP and inflammatory foods, including dairy, gluten, refined sugars, and nightshade foods. Patients are encouraged to consume organic fruits, vegetables, and meats throughout the protocol. Seed-based grains may be reintroduced after completion of the 3-6 month duration, as tolerated.

Hydration and Sweat

Hydration is crucial during the protocol, and patients should aim to drink at least ½ ounce of water per pound of body weight. Engaging in daily activities that induce sweating is also recommended.

Metal Free & Chemical Cleanse

Metal Free & Chemical Cleanse is a key component of the Detox Protocol, assisting the body in eliminating toxic chemicals and heavy metals. It contains a blend of eight herbs and minerals known to draw out toxins from cells, with Fullerene, a supercharged micro-activated carbon form that encapsulates toxins for safe elimination. The recommended dosage for Metal Free and Chemical Cleanse is 1 dropper full once daily for the first week, increasing to 1 dropper two times daily thereafter. Patients should be monitored for HERX type symptoms and adjust their dosage if necessary.

Adjuvant Products

In addition to Metal Free & Chemical Cleanse, BodyHealth offers adjuvant products that support both phases of detoxification. These include Greens enhanced with PerfectAmino, Reds enhanced with PerfectAmino, Multi Complete, Eliminate, and PerfectAmino. Each product plays a unique role in supporting the detox process.

For detailed information on the Detox Protocol and the supporting products, I encourage you to review the complete protocol on our website.

For the full Detox Protocol click HERE!

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