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Metal-Free & Chemical Cleanse

Metal-Free & Chemical Cleanse

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Suggested Retail Price: $79.95

Metal Free & Chemical Cleanse is a very exact formula containing some of the most potent organic herbal detoxifiers there are, as well as a super-charged form of carbon known as Fullerene. This micro-activated, multi-layered, and highly organized carbon molecule is so effective that it is able to safely enter the cells themselves, attracting harmful toxins to it, and acting as a sponge to absorb and remove them from our body, and with no known side-effects. Metal-Free & Chemical Cleanse enhanced with PERFECT AMINO™.

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Heavy Metals & Toxic Chemicals are building up in our body on a daily basis

We’ve passed the point where taking “reasonable precautions” or “buying all organic” is not enough.

We’re exposed to too many chemicals every day. They’re in our personal care products, the clothes we buy, the fabric of our car seats, our dishwashing liquids, and even our baby foods.

There are now over 80,000 chemicals in our environment. And the number is growing by leaps and bounds every year.

What’s more, we don’t actually know if most of these chemicals are dangerous for us. Or safe. Because less than 10% of them have been tested for their affects on humans or animals.

But we do know of many.

We have PFAS, the so-called “forever chemicals,” a group of almost 5,000 widely used chemicals found in our water, clothing, and a host of other places.

We take in very toxic heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, cadmium, and mercury from the air through pollution, our water sources, and our food. Even our baby foods contain heavy metals now.

And we have the neurotoxin Glyphosate saturating the corn and soy used to feed our animals and fill our boxes of processed foods at the grocery store, not to mention poisoning our water.

These toxins enter our bodies, more and more every year, and build up, causing a myriad of issues on a gradually rising basis.

And, yes, there was a point where we could get by with the small amount there was. But that point is long past. The toxic load entering our bodies every year is far higher than even ten years ago.

Our bodies are constantly removing toxins that come in. But they can’t do it fast enough, so the toxins build up. And the more toxins build up, the less our bodies are able to remove them.

We need to be pro-active in preventing as many toxins as we can from entering our bodies, but also in actively ridding ourselves of them.

That’s why we created Metal Free & Chemical Cleanse.

We needed something that was incredibly effective at attracting and removing toxins in our bodies — at the very deepest levels — but which did so completely naturally and without the side-effects.

We have that with Metal-Free & Chemical Cleanse, a very exact formula containing some of the most potent organic herbal detoxifiers there are, as well as a super-charged form of carbon known as Fullerene.

Fullerene is truly unbelievable. This micro-activated, multi-layered, and highly organized carbon molecule is so effective that it’s able to safely enter the cells themselves, attracting harmful toxins to it, and acting as a sponge to absorb and remove them from our body.

And with no known side-effects.

It’s also one of the most powerful anti-oxidants there are, over 100 times more powerful than vitamin c, and works to attract and remove free-radicals caused by toxins in our bodies, further strengthening our cells.

As amino acids increase Fullerene’s ability to bind to chemicals, we’ve fortified Metal-Free & Chemical Cleanse with PERFECT AMINO™.

How Toxins Build Up In Our Bodies

Toxins do not create “one-off” effects on the body where they cause damage and then move on.

Toxins are cumulative. They add up.

So maybe you received 1 ounce of toxins in one year, one ounce that stayed in your body.

And the next year you received one more ounce.

And the next.

Well, you now have 3 ounces of toxins in your body. Three times as much as you had 3 years ago, with three times the toxic affect on your system.

Only it doesn’t work that way.

It’s faster. Much faster.

There’s a rule in toxicology you need to understand. We think that 1 + 1 = 2.

But that’s not how math works in toxicology. In toxicology it’s not 1 + 1 = 2…

It’s 1 + 1 = 10.

Because this isn’t based on quantity… but on effect. What is the toxic effect on the body?

You don’t add 1 toxin into the body and get 1 toxic effect and then add a second toxin in and get a second toxic effect.

Because of how your body works — not just its ability to handle toxins, but it’s capacity for handling toxins — the introduction of a second toxin doesn’t double the toxic effect. It 10X’s it.

This can be double the exposure of one toxin, or it can be two different types of toxin.

This is obviously not a hard-bound rule of exactly 10, but you get the idea. As toxins increase in numbers, their effect is exponential.

We see this in chronic disease, particularly auto-immune disease and chronic inflammation. It’s not just one toxin.

It’s not just Glyphosate. It’s Glyphosate, and plastics, and excreted medicines, and chemicals, and metals like mercury in our water supplies…

So… 1 + 1 = 10, + 1 = 100, + 1 = 1000… Now we have something.

That’s how we get the plethora of toxin-related ills on our current society:

And that’s why we created Metal-Free & Chemical Cleanse, to help remove harmful toxins and prevent their deadly effects.



Organic cilantro leaf: Cilantro was chosen for its ability to support the body's natural detoxification processes.*

Organic alfalfa leaf: Alfalfa leaf is high in protein, chlorophyll, amino acids, iron, niacin, biotin, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium.*

Organic parsley leaf: Like cilantro, parsley is a strong chelating agent and natural diuretic.*

Organic stinging nettles are highly nutritious, possessing a high percentage of protein, vitamins, minerals and chlorophyll.

Organic agaricus mushroom: This type of mushroom is nutritious but also possesses medicinal qualities. It is known to activate the body's natural defense by supporting the immune system.*

Organic cleavers (Herb): This herb latches onto toxins so they can more easily be eliminated.*

Organic chaga mushroom: Chaga mushrooms have immune- modulating properties. Chaga mushrooms have 50 times more antioxidants than blueberries.*

Fullerene: Advanced form of micro-activated, multi-layered form of carbon composed of 60 carbon atoms structured into a hollow, spherical cage that surrounds each molecule of toxic material to carry it out of the body. In some other detoxification processes, toxins may be drawn out of one part of the body and deposited in another, like the brain or heart

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